our terrain looks pretty ugly with that color, but at least it has nice per-pixel lighting!And even better. We've redone everything and the game is now in 3D! We're making great progress on it, so get in now. The first 50 members get in free, and there's only around 15 slots left.
For those of you who don't know, SkyStronghold is a mini-MMO game. It's set in a very dynamic "generic fantasy realm", but the catch is that the early adopters get to give input on how we shape the world. Our actual editor is multiplayer - real-time collaboration no matter where you are in the world. Its features can also be locked down or opened up based on individual users, so we're going to let quite a few (trusted!) players in to work on the game itself. We need everything from 3D artists to programmers to storywriters.
The game world is also technically "infinite". It's based on a simple heightmap scheme, but it works in chunks much like Minecraft. If you scroll around in the editor, it'll just keep making new chunks that you can edit seamlessly. It's very smooth.
But the most interesting thing is that there is now
no download required! Our game makes use of recently developed web technologies like WebSockets and WebGL to put the game right into your browser. Content needed is simply downloaded and cached like any other web page, and not once will you download a huge package of everything you need to play. And since it's in the browser, any platform is supported - Linux, Mac OS X, Windows... even Android and iOS!
Interested yet? Come on, we're always looking for new faces on our forums. Excuse the horrible, ugly layout right now - we're working on integrating the forums into a full site. And who knows, maybe you'll be our next moderator, storywriter, or developer.