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Author Topic: League of Legends: Minions/Gold Statistics.  (Read 358 times)

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League of Legends: Minions/Gold Statistics.
« on: October 03, 2012, 10:28:20 pm »

Something I made just tonight when I was interested in how much gold you could potentially get throughout the game. This example only goes to 20 minutes, but that's really the best jester you could get out of this I personally feel.


There's 260 minions total that have spawned, which can give you up to a maximum of 5,592 gold if you last-hit them all. Every 3 minutes the worth of the minions are increased - while simultaneously every 2 waves the Siege minion spawns. So it leaves an odd one own every 2.5 minutes because the value of the Siege minion, and the rest of the wave, will be worth the increased rate. Which causes the phases for the gold and so fourth.

This was not adjusted to the fact that minions spawn at 1:30 however, so note that much.


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Re: League of Legends: Minions/Gold Statistics.
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2012, 05:23:49 am »

The most gold I ever got was about 25k I think?

But whats funny is that I had something like 30 kills but barely any minions ( >100)

Also, you should take into account the jungle minions. they can give you MUCH more gold. So if you were a jungler that occasionally popped up and got about 1 or 2 minion waves you could increase your gold income significantly. In HoN they have a counter that tells your Gold Per minute which is pretty neat.

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