I've decided to bring this topic up as of today because I no longer trust the community to any avail to do good, ESPECIALLY in Ranked. I've went from 1410 to 1309 now in ELO just because of failures, and its almost all happened due to poor bans. Picking the typical Morgana, Shen, Kass, etc.
My List:Darius
Darius is simply a champion I refuse to trust any users to do good against. I've lost my last few, and many before, ranked games due to our Top Lane throwing the lane hardcore and not knowing how to simply NOT DIE.
To save you the ranting on Diana:
http://ggchronicle.com/champion-select-diana-scorn-of-the-moon/Alistar is really a toss up but I'd prefer his jungle be either used in my favor or just gone entirely.