Emulating electricity in a way. Obviously emulating amps, volts, and ohms would get very complicated, so I am doing basically just Watts, in a way. So basically I am using a power system called Energy (E) in which has various strengths of power. Example: 10E is more energy than 1E
Types of components:
Generator - Creates instant E at a certain E. Example: Generator produces 10E at all times.
Battery - Provides storage of E. Unlike Generators, it takes in and puts out a "draw" of E. So a Battery can say, take in 1E every tenth of a second, but store up to 1000E.
H/L Transformer - Like a Generator, except it takes in E and not create it. It will instantly take in a certain amount of E and either lower or raise the amount of E being put out.
*Lights - Takes in E and provides light
**Engine - Stores an amount of E and allows a vehicle to run on E. Different grades of Engines provide more speed and/or torque but uses more/less E to run.
**Jet - Stores an amount of E and allows a plane to run on E. Different grades of Jets provide more speed but uses more/less E to run.
Motor - Takes in a "draw" of E and provides motorized rotation. Faster speeds = more E used
Heater - Magically converts E into fire! Higher "draw" of E means bigger flames.
Any suggestions for machines?
any opinions on the project?
* Lights can be used to create artificial light or change a brick's color
** Debating on whether or not to separate the storage capability of the Engine/Jet into another component.
- Wiring a component that outputs more E to than another component can input will destroy the latter component.
- An Engine's speed can be reduced for more torque or vice-versa. The following equation calculates E usage: E = ([Current Speed]/10 + Torque)/100. The Engine will constantly draw that much E. So a vehicle going a Speed of 30 at a Torque of 12 will use a "draw" of 0.15E.
- A Jet's speed affects how much E it will use. The following equation calculates E usage: E = ([Current Speed]/5 + 15)/100. The Jet will constantly draw that much E. So a plane going a Speed of 100 will use a "draw" of 0.35E.
- A motor's, Heater's, and Light's E usage has not been created yet.
- Engines are more economical than Jets but Jets can go much faster and fly.