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Messages - tart3rsauc3

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
The Lounge / Re: Wish me Luck Today Guys!
« on: Today at 07:24:28 am »
Your voice, her voice. Awesome.
Thanks! :D

Our differing levels of popularity is defined by our view counts :\

The Lounge / Re: this chick keeps asking me for weed/tobacco
« on: Yesterday at 03:46:43 pm »
When chick's do drugs. It's usually just to seem cool.
not always true *cough*

The Lounge / Re: Wish me Luck Today Guys!
« on: Yesterday at 06:29:38 am »
Thanks guys. I appreciate it

The Lounge / Re: My Talent Show Videos are Uploaded.
« on: Yesterday at 06:29:03 am »

Women are weird.

Nothing new, eh?
Yeah pretty much

Music / I sang in my school's talent show :DDDD
« on: May 17, 2013, 11:54:49 pm »
I'm a bit under the weather right now so my voice is eh-eh. Not awful but it's a good excuse for intonation issues ;P

Here's my performance of Never Say Never by The Fray
shut the fuck up that's not a bald spot really

Here's Lindsey's performance of Hurt Johnny Cash (the girl mentioned in this topic)
She's gorgeous right
say she's fucking gorgeous

And here's our duet
I would have kissed her if it weren't for the aforementioned topic :c
But like people were saying I should have kissed her anyways. And afterwards it was like she wanted me to even though she told me not to. Women are weird. At least we're on good terms now.

The Lounge / My Talent Show Videos are Uploaded.
« on: May 17, 2013, 11:53:26 pm »
I'm a bit under the weather right now so my voice is eh-eh. Not awful but it's a good excuse for intonation issues ;P
And this should technically go in Music that's why I'm spamming it there too :D

Here's my performance of Never Say Never by The Fray
shut the fuck up that's not a bald spot really

Here's Lindsey's performance of Hurt Johnny Cash (the girl mentioned in this topic)
She's gorgeous right
say she's fucking gorgeous

And here's our duet
I would have kissed her if it weren't for the aforementioned topic :c
But like people were saying I should have kissed her anyways. And afterwards it was like she wanted me to even though she told me not to. Women are weird. At least we're on good terms now.

The Lounge / Re: Wish me Luck Today Guys!
« on: May 17, 2013, 08:01:46 pm »
Talent show went great

My solo had a bad camera angle. The girl who is my friend's solo was filmed perfectly.

And omg the duet. I won't spoil it.

I'm uploading them all now and I'll post them like the obsessive little third grader I am when it comes to this kind of thing

The Lounge / Re: Wish me Luck Today Guys!
« on: May 17, 2013, 12:57:56 pm »
Thanks everyone.
Two hours to showtime  ;D

The Lounge / Re: I'm back again..?
« on: May 17, 2013, 07:25:41 am »
Wasn't there a girl?

The Lounge / Re: Was thinking about buying a Wii U
« on: May 17, 2013, 07:24:21 am »
I tried one at a furniture store

Was actually really great. I dunno if it's good for hardcore gaming though.

The Lounge / Re: I'm back again..?
« on: May 17, 2013, 07:21:00 am »
Welcome back :-)

That dickface actually isn't a part of the community

Actually, I have been here since 2011 lololo

Time spent here and general acceptance are two very different things
I know!

You don't seem to remember jamesbiggs, don't you?

Technically I joined, left for about a year and came back
There were a LOT more people back when I joined

The Lounge / Re: I'm back again..?
« on: May 17, 2013, 07:19:11 am »
Welcome back :-)

That dickface actually isn't a part of the community

Actually, I have been here since 2011 lololo

Time spent here and general acceptance are two very different things

The Lounge / Re: I'm back again..?
« on: May 17, 2013, 07:17:46 am »
Welcome back :-)

That dickface actually isn't a part of the community

The Lounge / Re: Delete my topics? :-)
« on: May 17, 2013, 06:34:17 am »
let me reiterate
Fuck this guy.
We're only fueling his fire by replying

The best option is to either
A. Delete the idiot (pls void pls)
B. Ignore him until he goes away
Just like all the girls he talks to do

The Lounge / Wish me Luck Today Guys!
« on: May 17, 2013, 02:44:30 am »
I'm in a talent show tonight with the girl I talked about from this topic

We're singing Stay by Rihanna (and trust me, it wasn't our first choice, her mom thought it was a good idea and turns out it was) with piano accompaniment by my wingman friend Ethan.

We also have solos. She's singing with (my) guitar Hurt by Johnny Cash/Nine Inch Nails and I'm singing with piano Never Say Never by The Fray.

Like the OCD person I am after huge ass performances I'll probably upload videos of all the acts and try to get them posted on IronNoob as soon as I get back. Just because it takes my mind off of this topic. Haha.

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