ROBLOX Mobile / Re: How many ROBUX do you think a new iPad 3 is worth?
« on: November 01, 2012, 04:27:02 pm »No, tickets.3m ticketsSo 240k robux? 20 of those will get bought up within 5 minutes as soon as people realize what its for.
Migrated to dedicated hosting. Post any weirdness you observe in the Lounge.
No, tickets.3m ticketsSo 240k robux? 20 of those will get bought up within 5 minutes as soon as people realize what its for.
I consider religion a social virus. It is a harsh but precise term. Here is a basic example of a social virus for you.
I see an abundance of anti-reasoning, broken logic and hypocrisy in the idea of Christianity. Jesus Christ is a fictional literary figure, propagated and propelled by it's viral context. Just, moral, and ethical ideas are not thrown out the window. People are still motivated to make commendable decisions, just the incentives aren't as crude or apparent as they are with Christianity.
Your points are valid. But they're not detailed so I have to ask-
What do you mean by anti-reasoning, broken logic, and hypocrisy? Do you mean the supposed "conflicts" of the Bible?
And what do you mean by crude or apparent incentives?
Additionally, not every religion is a social virus. Christianity at its core, if you truly examine it (which I admittedly have not, I am speaking the words of harsh atheists gone Christian), is not what many atheists believe it is. Nor is it what most Christians believe it is. The separate denominations have befuddled it and conformed it to their own cultures and traditions. And that's okay in some cases, but a lot of the time- yes, it can get extremely hypocritical and will create harsh societal rules that are only there for the sake of biased conformity. Those are the messed up Christians who lack perspective and want to keep up with their traditions. And unfortunately, it will be like that for a long time (e.g. the Roman Catholic Church, which is my denomination, but I don't follow some of the doctrine because it is widely known as ridiculous.
Jesus is not a fictional person. There are records and proof of His existence outside of the Bible, as defined in the Case for Christ documentary. If you have any particular points against His existence, then I'd like to hear them.
Both. Why say 'it's free.' when you can say "ITTSSS FERRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!1!11!!"
Historical accident, mostly.
Let me ask you guys a question: if you had 5 developers and 6 months, how would you change ROBLOX to attract an older audience?
I'm really excited for him! Its good to see users who started on Roblox work for Roblox as soon as he was old enough, and anyone can do it when they are old enough - if they set out for it.Exactly. Go in the direction of something you want. It may take a while, but as long as you don't change direction, you will eventually get what you set out for.