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Messages - Stickmasterluke

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ROBLOX Mobile / Re: How many ROBUX do you think a new iPad 3 is worth?
« on: November 01, 2012, 04:27:02 pm »
3m tickets
So 240k robux? 20 of those will get bought up within 5 minutes as soon as people realize what its for.
No, tickets.

ROBLOX Mobile / Re: How many ROBUX do you think a new iPad 3 is worth?
« on: November 01, 2012, 03:28:40 pm »
3m tickets

Drama / Re: Deciphering Religion
« on: July 02, 2012, 02:05:02 pm »
I consider religion a social virus. It is a harsh but precise term. Here is a basic example of a social virus for you.
I see an abundance of anti-reasoning, broken logic and hypocrisy in the idea of Christianity. Jesus Christ is a fictional literary figure, propagated and propelled by it's viral context. Just, moral, and ethical ideas are not thrown out the window. People are still motivated to make commendable decisions, just the incentives aren't as crude or apparent as they are with Christianity.

Your points are valid. But they're not detailed so I have to ask-

What do you mean by anti-reasoning, broken logic, and hypocrisy? Do you mean the supposed "conflicts" of the Bible?

And what do you mean by crude or apparent incentives?

Additionally, not every religion is a social virus. Christianity at its core, if you truly examine it (which I admittedly have not, I am speaking the words of harsh atheists gone Christian), is not what many atheists believe it is. Nor is it what most Christians believe it is. The separate denominations have befuddled it and conformed it to their own cultures and traditions. And that's okay in some cases, but a lot of the time- yes, it can get extremely hypocritical and will create harsh societal rules that are only there for the sake of biased conformity. Those are the messed up Christians who lack perspective and want to keep up with their traditions. And unfortunately, it will be like that for a long time (e.g. the Roman Catholic Church, which is my denomination, but I don't follow some of the doctrine because it is widely known as ridiculous.

Jesus is not a fictional person. There are records and proof of His existence outside of the Bible, as defined in the Case for Christ documentary. If you have any particular points against His existence, then I'd like to hear them.

You can find numerous instances of broken logic and conflicting ideas in the bible. If you want to discuss them, any atheist can point some out. I on the other hand, am not talking about the bible, but the ideology and general concept of Christianity. There are many of these as well, but are mainly only found when talking to the more intelligent atheists. I also don't have the time to discuss them, but here is an example of one if you want to spark a discussion with someone. God is said to be omnibenevolent, yet people suffer in vein continually in every day life.

To clarify what I said about the incentives that motivate people to do good acts are more crude and apparent in the Christian belief. The idea that 'you are being judged by an omnipresent being that can damn you to an eternal suffering' is very compelling and easier to understand than the intricate incentives that exist in the desires defined by our genes.

It is great that you admit, that there are people who can take Christianity too seriously, and that you do not associate yourself with them. Every religion and Atheism has it's nuts. I do not take any single person's views as the views of their denomination.

Jesus being a fictional literary figure used to convey a point, and not an actual person.. The facts that confirm or deny this are very sparse and very questionable. This was two thousand years ago, written down on paper by cultures in the medieval ages. A very messy subject, and again, I am going to avoid going too deep into this with you. I am sure there are other people who would like to talk with you about it though.

Drama / Deciphering Religion
« on: July 02, 2012, 05:50:21 am »
The main controversy on this thread is over the fact that god is defined differently by everyone, as well as the extent of that belief.

Some broad definitions of god and extent of belief:
  • The entire Christian story took place.
  • The concepts and morals of the Christian story, but not the stories themselves. (Moses never loaded two of every animal onto a giant ship while the world drowned in a flood)
  • The supernatural creator and overseer of humans and the universe.
  • Every moral decision made and everything beautiful that exists.
  • Everything. Stated more clearly by Kim Stanley Robinson in the book Red Mars, "..the idea of the universe as a superbeing, and all its energy being the thoughts of this being." (pg61)
  • There is no god, only existence and rules of actuality. (Undoubtedly Atheist, super scientific approach, adopting no divine being in any way)

What to believe
You cannot force yourself to believe in something. Your cognitive mind is unable to will your sub-conscience into believing anything. It is your sub-conscience that has the final say in what you believe. Don't worry, you are not lock-minded. Your beliefs can change. Your sub-conscience makes decisions based on the information it knows, thinks, and trusts. By acquiring new knowledge, you can cement your current faith or find something that makes more sense to you. Never stop seeking knowledge and never deny knowledge without constant consideration. Poke arguments for the acquisition of new information and understanding, not to impose your thoughts.

What to do with your belief
Do not force it on other people! If you are an Atheist, do not try to unreligionize everyone who mentions Jesus, and counterwise. If someone is agnostic(undecided belief), do not look at them as a blank slate. They are probably agnostic for a reason. Let them enjoy their serendipity. Instead, take your knowledge, belief, and information, and share it with someone who wants to share theirs with you. Consider their views just as you want them to consider yours. Be as humble and unbiased as possible with your information. Failure to do so only makes your views less credible. Conflicting information is actually beneficial, if not synergistic. One or both of you are wrong. Cogitate that it could be you. Whatever the outcome, embrace it.

My personal views
I believe that there is no supernatural or divine being of any sort. Though, you may be able to convince me that all of the material and the design of existence is a god. I am unable to explain the coming of existence(or big bang), but it obviously happened. The only secure knowledge is that you, yourself, exist. There is no denying that. But I do not believe that a cognitive or conscience being created this lack of void. Again, god is not an artificer, but the reason for actuality itself.
I consider religion a social virus. It is a harsh but precise term. Here is a basic example of a social virus for you.
I see an abundance of anti-reasoning, broken logic and hypocrisy in the idea of Christianity. Jesus Christ is a fictional literary figure, propagated and propelled by it's viral context. Just, moral, and ethical ideas are not thrown out the window. People are still motivated to make commendable decisions, just the incentives aren't as crude or apparent as they are with Christianity. Earlier in this post you saw that I emphasized on broad-mindedness. That is because, I think Atheism is the true knowledge, that any non-ignorant person can reason to if given enough resources. This does not mean you can disregard everything that you have read here.

If my verbiage intimidates you, don't stress it. I used a thesaurus in an attempt to sound more sophisticated and compelling.
For the integrity of this post, I used the Christian religion as an example several times. Any religion can be used as a alternative substitute.
I did my best to address this as unbiased as possible.
For those of you who are unable to compose any witty criticisms, you can change the subject or comment on the fact that I listened to Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen on loop while writing this up.

tl;dr? You deserve to read this.

ROBLOX / Re: Rainbow shaggy - Really?
« on: November 20, 2011, 07:56:11 pm »
Both.  Why say 'it's free.' when you can say "ITTSSS FERRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!1!11!!"

Exactly. Go big or go home.

ROBLOX / Re: Rainbow shaggy - Really?
« on: November 20, 2011, 07:28:08 pm »
Roblox motto, go big or go home. Why stop at simple shaggy hair when you can go all the way and make it rainbow.

ROBLOX / Re: This PBS exploit is getting annoying!
« on: November 10, 2011, 12:52:07 pm »

ROBLOX / Re: What liquids do you want to see in ROBLOX?
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:40:13 pm »
I would like to see functional liquids, like:


ROBLOX / Re: What liquids do you want to see in ROBLOX?
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:35:17 pm »

ROBLOX / Re: What liquids do you want to see in ROBLOX?
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:33:11 pm »
Marbles, something flammable, and soemthing super viscous, like peanut butter.

ROBLOX Mobile / Re: Moving to Bay Area, Possibility Working at Roblox
« on: September 29, 2011, 10:13:00 am »
You guys read me like a book. Yes, I killed somebody. Good luck finding the body.

ROBLOX / Re: Why did roblox focus on the age group of 8-12?
« on: September 26, 2011, 10:04:56 pm »
I don't think Roblox has the pocket to pay game makers several thousands of dollars a year. If Roblox does, I say, go for it. :> (muahahahaha)

ROBLOX Mobile / Re: Moving to Bay Area, Possibility Working at Roblox
« on: September 25, 2011, 11:19:12 pm »
I wiggled my way into the job. Don't ask me how. I got very lucky and don't know how long it will last. Best of luck to you, and I'll see you in TF2.

ROBLOX / Re: Why did roblox focus on the age group of 8-12?
« on: September 25, 2011, 11:14:19 pm »
Historical accident, mostly.

Let me ask you guys a question: if you had 5 developers and 6 months, how would you change ROBLOX to attract an older audience?

And an aspect that would not take 5 developers and 6 months, the allowance to share personal information.

ROBLOX / Re: Is Stickmasterluke working for Roblox now?
« on: September 06, 2011, 09:00:12 am »
I'm really excited for him! Its good to see users who started on Roblox work for Roblox as soon as he was old enough, and anyone can do it when they are old enough - if they set out for it.
Exactly. Go in the direction of something you want. It may take a while, but as long as you don't change direction, you will eventually get what you set out for.

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