ROBLOX / Re: My email to roblox, what is your thoughts
« on: May 10, 2013, 06:39:36 pm »
My account was a few weeks short of being a week old
What? Is that even possible...?
Migrated to dedicated hosting. Post any weirdness you observe in the Lounge.
My account was a few weeks short of being a week old
I was upset when I got your first book. I was expecting you to go over methods, properties, and events. Instead you did tutorials on how to create stuff. I could learn the exact information in the book on the ROBLOX Wiki. I realise that there were some properties listed and their functions but it did not meet my expectations. Your code was also inefficient. You used :Remove() frequently, left out useful parameters in the Instance.new() functions, and for the true/false if statements I was sad to see you not use if not then or if propertyBool then. But I suppose that it was a basic book and I'm a but higher than basic.
I also noticed that the code wasn't in Courier New and that was pretty disappointing.
Is it to scale?
Got bored, so I made a Sorcus papercraft.
Here's the print out image:
Not like you will get over 1 download
Cant guarantee universal initially, but if I put ads in it and get enough money I can pay someone to port it over.What about just using webkit and writing the app in HTML5